Things here have been interesting the last few weeks. And really, at times just too much that I haven’t been in the mood to write any new posts.
This past week has been just one of those weeks were the monkeys in the zoo of a school have just been wild. Maybe it has to do with the full moon we had at the start of week, or that all other schools are getting ready for their spring break except for us, or that the dreaded summer with its painfully scorching 40 degrees Celsius plus weather has returned. Whatever the reason for their behavior, I just know that I am thankful it’s the weekend; time to unwind and relax.
To get a glimpse on the past week I had, here are a few of the situations I was faced with that really left me thinking… ‘What do I say to that?’
- When the nephew of the owner of the school says, “Turn off the A/C my uncle is paying for that”.
- Student calls another kid the ‘N-word’, and when you take him to the office, administration does absolutely nothing about it except take the students word over yours when he says he never said that.
- Grade 9 Student kicks another kid in the stomach and he drops to the floor. When the discipline coordinator comes in the classroom the whole class tells him he fell off the desk, no one did anything to him; including the kid who got kicked.
- Homeroom class students pull everything off the walls; posters, classroom rules, seating plan and calendar and write ‘hahaha no my calendar Mr. Sir’ where the calendar use to be.
I know that I am still fresh out of teachers college, but I can certainly guarantee that during Methods class we never discuses scenarios like that.
Bryan The Camel says…
You need to go for a camel ride…
lol...omg. i would be on meds at this point... or i probably would have fled and ran, flew, or sailed as fast as i could outta there!