Sunday, January 30, 2011

What Do I Miss the Most?

Living half way across the world away from everything I know is not something easy to do.  There are days that get so sad and lonely they are almost unbearable, but then there are better days when things come together and I experience things that I would never have, had I not been living in the UAE. 

I have been living here for 5 months and have another 5 months to go before the summer holidays.  So as a way to commemorate the halfway mark, I have come up with a list of the top 10 things that I miss the most.  Family and friends is an obvious number one, so therefore they will not be included on this list.

As I began to compile the list, I found it funny how it’s the small things that I never really paid much attention to that I end up missing the most.  Things that you see or experience everyday that you take for granted until they are gone, then you realize how much they were a part of your life.

10. Seeing Green
Hills, grass, pine trees, maple tress… all the beauty Canada has the offer
            9. Z103.5
Yes, even the annoying Scott Fox and his morning show

            8. French Translations
There is just something about seeing French translations on road signs and packaging that says ‘home’

            7. Snow and Cold Weather
            I just simply love it!

            6. The Food Network
I need my fix of ‘Barefoot Contessa’, ‘Good Eats’ and ‘Chef at Home’, to name a few

            5. Bacon
            The wonderful flavour and smell of smoky, crisp, salty goodness!

            4. President Choice Products
            Especially those chocolate chunk cookies, I could go for a box of those right now

            3. Tim Horton’s.
            Medium coffee with one milk please!

            2. Portuguese Culture
 The lack of it here just makes me miss my roots; Cod fish, corn bread and custard tarts

            1. Sushi Island/Iron Chef!
I’d take a plane ride back right now for some of that sushi goodness.

I’ll get the chance to experience these things again, but until then I will continue to enjoy the new experiences of a Middle East life.

Bryan The Camel says…
Can I get 5 Crunch Rolls, a Geisha roll with extra Hiroshima sauce, mushroom blossoms and a house salad.


  1. you should read 'The Book of Awesome' either when you get back you will really connect with it, or to take with you if you go again to remind you of the little things...

  2. I can't wait until you're back in canada and making the list of "what you miss most from the UAE" and I DOMINATE that list! :)

  3. and I LOVE that you came into my classroom seconds after I wrote this just to let me know how funny I am. now I'm crushed, I was being SERIOUS. YOU WILL MISS ME. And my wit. Never have you ever worked with someone so professional as me either! :)

  4. CRUNCH ROLLS!!! :(((( good post, but it made me think of crunch, so now I am sad. And I need crunch.
